This November, during the season of giving thanks, Unboxed is rallying our friends and family to help us give back to the community. We're raising funds and awareness for a fantastic non-profit, the
FRIENDS Association for Children. Please help us help FRIENDS reach their goal of $100,000 by November 30!
Who: FRIENDS has served Richmond kids and families for more than 140 years. From summer camps to music and art education, FRIENDS provides a variety of programs that help local youth realize their full potential.
What: FRIENDS and Shaka Smart, VCU Men's Basketball coach extraordinaire, have partnered to raise $100K in 30 days.
When: Now - November 30
Where: Wherever you are
How: Giving is easy as pumpkin pie. Buy a limited edition FRIENDS RVA t-shirt or make a donation online at
With your support, we can keep FRIENDS going strong for another 140 years!