by D. Romero | April 1, 2016 | 7 Min Read

Spoke Updates: Follow People & Discussions


Spoke® is already one of the world's best social learning management systems available (don't take our word for it), and with the latest release we’re giving users even more ways to enhance their social learning experience. These new features are, once again, a result of overwhelming user feedback. Users wanted a way to stay connected with their peers and to be notified when their colleagues post in the community and new content is added to Spoke. As a result we’ve added the ability to follow people and discussions, receive additional email notifications, and manage these settings from an updated account settings. Here’s a quick tour.

Follow A Person

Learners can now follow a person within their organization. Have a colleague you want to keep up with? Follow him! Is there a rock star sales rep you want to learn from? Follow her! Now, whenever someone a user follows posts in the community, they’ll receive an email notification to check out the discussion. This feature adds yet another social element to Spoke and will be a building block for more features to come in the near future.

Follow A Discussion

Community is a busy place and it can be hard to keep up with the discussions you really care about. Users can now follow a discussion and receive email notifications whenever there’s a new post.

Additional Email Notifications

New Course - Even frequent Spoke users could miss a new course that’s been added to their curriculum. The New Course email notification will allow users to receive an email notification when new courses are added. Spoke News - Spoke News now has more visibility than ever. All assigned learners can now receive email notifications about the latest updates. The goal of this feature is to increase open rates for all news items.

Account Settings page

As we continue to enhance Spoke, we wanted to give users a super simple, all-in-one place to manage their profile, email notifications, people and discussions they follow, and more. The new Settings page allows users to manage these settings as well as their photo, nickname, password, and Salesforce integration.

Speak Up

We love getting user feedback and want to hear from you. If you're a current Spoke user, drop us a line or leave a comment below. If you’re not yet using Spoke and want to see it in action, check it out, or contact our Spokes-people to schedule a personal demo.

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