Think Outside™ at the Sales 2.0 Conference in San Francisco

What do you call it when 400+ sales leaders gather for a couple of days a few times throughout the year, eager to learn about cutting-edge strategies and tools they can use to accelerate sales growth and performance? The Sales 2.0 Conference, of course. And we’re going!
Rated as one of the top B2B sales event series each year, Sales 2.0 conferences should be on the must-attend list of sales and marketing executives. The conferences are a mix of keynotes, breakout sessions, networking, and opportunities to see the latest and greatest sales enablement solutions. The next event in the 2016 series is July 18-19 at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, CA. Rick Lloyd, our VP of Sales and Client Services, will be joining me to soak up the knowledge and share a little of our own. We’ll be leading a breakout session on guided selling and demonstrating how technology can help sales reps deliver a more engaging customer experience. We’ll also be unveiling version 3.0 of our powerful sales enablement platform, plus showing off our custom sales training and mobile learning management system.
What’s that? You’d like to join us? Great news! We can get you in. We have a limited number of tickets available on a first come, first serve basis, as long as you’re a manager or higher in a sales or marketing role. Contact us before the 4th of July holiday to grab a ticket and secure your spot. You’ll just need to cover your travel expenses to the City by the Bay. Learn more on the Sales 2.0 Conference site. And just in case you can’t make it to San Francisco, follow @unboxedtech and @Sales20Conf on Twitter, and watch for Tweets with the hashtag #s20c. We'll see you there!