What’s The Purpose of Learning Management Systems?

Have you ever wondered, “what is an LMS, exactly?” or what the purpose and objectives of a learning management system are?
You’ve landed on the right article.
The LMS market is steadily growing with more companies investing in learning management systems every year. In fact, 90% of companies offer digital learning today. On top of that, 90% of executives agree that L&D is a significant benefit to their company.
If you are considering an LMS software as part of your training protocol, read on for all the details you need to know as you research employee learning platforms.
What Is an LMS?
Let's start with the basics before we dive into the specific objectives of a learning management system.
A learning management system is a type of software that houses training material in a variety of forms (videos, PDFs, games) and tracks what employees are learning over time. Essentially, an LMS delivers educational content to its users in a centralized location. It also handles a variety of other tasks, including the following:
- Registering courses
- Performing skill gap analysis
- Tracking and reporting user data
- Handling course administration
LMS software is used in a variety of industries and for a range of purposes, from compliance training to collaborative learning and application sharing.
Tools like Spoke® LMS make it easier for employers and coaches to analyze performance through online assessments. This gives management one place to review employee competencies and identify areas for growth.
Objectives of a Learning Management System
There are plenty of reasons why your company might want to use an LMS to train and engage employees. Consider the following objectives of a learning management system.
Mobile LMS: Learn On The Go
One of the biggest advantages of learning management systems is the ability to take it anywhere. A mobile LMS provides your team with immediate access to organizational training materials wherever they are. This gives employees more flexibility to train at convenient times without having to be at their desks. Always think, “mobile-first.”
Streamline Training Process
The employee training process becomes much easier with an LMS to streamline learning. All learning content is housed in one location. Employees have one place to access important resources quickly. No more clicking between different applications, emails, or company resources in a web of SharePoint sites.
Engage Employees
These days, the modern learner is more distracted than ever before and companies are paying the price. LMS software provides employees with a blended learning experience for well-rounded, engaging training. Educational content is presented in a variety of forms: written, audio, videos, etc. to support learning objectives.
Track, Assess, and Report
An LMS makes it easy for employers and supervisors to track employees' progress, too. They can check-in to see how well people are doing and whether or not they're keeping up with the required tasks. Employers and supervisors can also use the LMS to check for gaps in understanding and find out if employees need to review any principles to get a better grasp on them.
Reduce Costs
Every business is looking for ways to save money, right? Investing in an LMS can help conserve cash in a major way. Learning management systems save companies the cost of paying a trainer to travel and teach new material to their employees. Thereby, removing the overhead (i.e., training costs, boarding, lodging, etc.). Simply set up the LMS and let the employees get to work.
Improve Efficiency
Learning management systems provide a more efficient way to train. It's often more efficient to let employees train at their own pace and ask questions as needed. Now, there is a time and a place for instructor-led training. The benefit of an LMS is that it provides plenty of automatic support and guidance. This allows employees to train on their own, at their own pace.
Instant Feedback
An LMS provides instant feedback to employees after a training module with regard to their performance. This gives employers, and trainees, an objective way to see what information they are retaining and what needs more review before moving on.
How to Choose a Modern LMS
With so many people struggling to focus, you may be convinced that an LMS would make a good addition to your company. It's not always easy to find an LMS that works well for your employees and provides you with your desired results, though.
Not quite sure what to look for in a modern learning management system? Download our LMS Requirements Checklist for a step-by-step buyer’s guide.
A good place to start is by assessing the needs of your company and your employees. What are your learning objectives? What do you want to accomplish by implementing an LMS? Answering these questions will help you find an LMS that aligns with your goals.
Take our advice on this one and consider the following as you search for an LMS...
Don’t Prioritize LMS Features
This may sound counterintuitive, but you read that right. Technology is always evolving and new learning management features are being added all the time. There will always be a shiner (and more expensive) LMS on the market with more features than you actually need.
Stay away from focusing too much on learning management system key features. Start by defining the objectives of a learning management system that are important to your company.
- What is your organization’s training process currently lacking?
- What do you want to improve?
- What do you value?
Think About the Future of Learning Management Systems
Think through how your company will grow and change over time. Look for an LMS or training course administration software that can grow and scale with your company. That way, you won't have to upgrade to new software every couple of years.
Request a Demo
Finally, don't forget to request a demo. The only way to really know if an LMS is a good fit for you is to try it out for yourself. “Try it before you buy it,” as they say. Test run an LMS software first to see how it works and if it fits your organizational needs before implementing it.
Find Your Modern LMS Today
Now that we have answered, "what is an LMS?" you can start dialing in on the objectives that matter.
The purpose of learning management systems, in short, is to elevate the learning experience through engaging content for better-trained employees. Use our LMS Buyer’s Guide to help you find the right training management system for your company.
If you’ve done your homework and finally want to check out some learning management key features, request a demo of Spoke® Mobile Learning Management System today.
The start of every new year is a chance to revisit training goals and aspirations for the coming 12 months. How do you know what’s worth your investment?