Essential Onboarding Training Checklist
Creating an employee onboarding program is no small task. Finding the right employee, to begin with, is only half the battle. Once a new hire joins the team, it's all hands on deck. Onboarding sets the tone for new employees as they start their new careers at your company. To properly equip employees for various job functions, a comprehensive onboarding process needs to be in place prior to the hire.
The Onboarding Process
Effective onboarding is the key to long term employee retention. Those first few days and months on the job determine how engaged, educated, and confident new employees are in their new positions. Studies have shown that up to 20% of new employees quit within their first 45 days on the job. The real cost of employee turnover can be up to 150% of an annual salary, so investing in a comprehensive onboarding program is worth its weight in gold.
The onboarding process is more than administrative paperwork; it's a personal handshake from the organization to a new hire. Onboarding is a useful tool to assimilate new employees into the organization by providing a big-picture overview, down to the small details of day-to-day expectations.
New employees need an introduction to the company culture, history, mission, values, strategic goals, while also getting role-specific training. All things considered, when new employee onboarding does its job, the result benefits both the employee experience and the organization overall.
Employee Onboarding Software
As noted in the ADP 2016 Employee Engagement Study, only 12% of employees strongly agree their organization does a great job of onboarding new employees. Streamline the onboarding process to ensure your employees are well-equipped for the work ahead with a robust, employee onboarding software.
At Unboxed Training & Technology, we customize onboarding programs to mirror your company culture and increase retention by using real-life scenarios for practical application. Effective onboarding uses the right blend of eLearning, interactive workbooks, classroom training, and reinforcement to turn new hires into high performers, no matter their learning style.
Employee onboarding programs directly affect employee experience being an initial touchpoint for new hires of the organization. Is your employee onboarding software getting the job done? A word to the wise: Health check your onboarding before a new hire tries to learn their job on a subpar program...
New Employee Onboarding Checklist
Does your onboarding start with the basics and keep building? Evaluate your current employee onboarding to see how it measures up. The Essential Employee Onboarding Checklist provides a comprehensive overview of 40+ topics to make sure your new employees are set up for success. We've listed five of the main sections below to give you a sneak peek of the content:
Organizational Basics
Being basic isn't always bad. Some information will be standard across the board for all employees to learn; we call this the "Organizational Basics." New employees usually have little to no context on the company history and need to be informed on the foundational pieces of the business (i.e., mission, vision, company structure, unique value proposition, etc.).
Are you laying a solid foundation for employees at the beginning of the onboarding process before they jump into the more technical aspects of their job?
Human Resources
Time for the company policies. Human resources (HR) help employees grow with the organization by managing expectations, offering career development opportunities, and relaying the company culture in an engaging, inclusive way. Set goals at the beginning with HR to track progress, overall performance, and future promotions.
Is your onboarding program set up to help your employees thrive within the organization?
Meet the Team
Your onboarding program should be personal and involve humans. Onboarding should encourage each employee as a vital, valued player on the company team. As a new player on the team, new hires need to know what position they are playing, what responsibilities they have, and how their role supports organizational goals.
Have you built in face-to-face time in your onboarding process for new hires to socialize cross-functionality?
Role Specific Training
You don't know what you don't know. Give new employees the tools and training they need to perform their jobs with excellence. Role-specific training is a mixture of on-the-job learning experience and company provided knowledge bases. Personalize onboarding training to prepare new employees for their specific position in an efficient manner to make them valuable contributors.
Are you providing new employees with everything they need to succeed in their new role?
Measure the Effectiveness of Onboarding
If you don't measure your onboarding, how do you know it's working? According to the SHRM 2017 Human Capital Benchmarking Report, the average employee turnover rate was 18% in 2016. When an employee's job description and on-the-job duties are significantly different, a 2-week notice is likely ready to send in their drafts folder.
Assess employees' experience with your onboarding process at regular intervals in the same way you would schedule an employee performance review (30, 60, 90 days, etc.). Stay proactive and continually refine your onboarding process with the insight you gain from employee feedback.
How effective is your new employee onboarding program?
Create The Best Employee Onboarding Experiences
Onboarding doesn't stop once the employee sits at their desk and watches a few videos. New hires will only be "new" for a short period, but onboarding is an ongoing process. Some onboarding programs can take up to two years, depending on the position. The best employee onboarding keeps investing time and resources into new employees until they are productive, valuable assets to the organization.
Are you ready to health check your employee onboarding program? For each checklist item, ask yourself, "How does my current onboarding training stack up?" Then, let us know how you scored so we can help your employees reach their A-game faster!
Essential Onboarding Training Checklist